terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2012

Lala is Networking: Look Soup

One of the things I love about networking is the connection and bonds that you can develop along the way. 
I love these little adventures, crusades indeed, where you march into a land of style, new characters and inspiration.

For a long time and even now, I am sceptical regarding my beauty. In my defence, I have tried so hard to. Just looking at the mirror convincing myself that I couldn’t be more beautiful.... I’m afraid it didn’t work that well.
After several self inflected blows on my ego, sometimes my though exterior is thin as ice and even the small touch fractures it.

Ok enough. This is about my recent found, or should I say they found me!

I have been using several online platforms in order to share my style and get inspiration from people all over the world. Networking is so much fun!
You meet such a diverse range of people and everything seems so much more open and the possibilities are rather incredible.

Have you been networking lately?
If so, LookSoup does not sound any bit stranger to you. If not well let me have the honours!
Look Soup is one of the most brilliant platforms rising right now!
Their aim is to provide and create a community that will not only reunite the unique, best, wonderful, never seen looks that you might not notice on other platforms!

I am a firm believer that this new platform is not only committed to relate directly to the users and develop bonds with them, instead of just counting the number of users.

I would like to thank Eva for noticing my blog and for the warm invitation to be part of this growing community. I just hope to make the difference!
Go and check it! Its utterly brilliant and Utterly engaging!

P.S Plus their Logo matches my personality and my name!

Xoxo LaLa

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